Επιμόρφωση προσωπικού μέσω του προγράμματος Erasmus+ 2023 στο πανεπιστήμιο CLAUDE BERNARD UNIVERSITY LYON 1 στη Γαλλία

From July 15 to 19, 2024, I had the privilege of visiting the laboratory (Catalyse, Polymeres, Procedes et Materiaux (CP2M), UMR 5128 CNRSUCBL-CPELyon) located in the Engineering School CPE Lyon as part of my Erasmus+ Mobility Agreements stay. This visit provided a unique opportunity to tour the research facilities and the campus of the partner institution and to discuss with the academic staff members the prospect of working in common projects. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to exchange experience and good practices and explore the possibilities for future potential collaboration between the two universities.

Activities that were carried out during my visit

Day 1: Presentation of the University of Western Macedonia (UOWM), the Chemical Engineering Department and the Laboratory of Alternative Fuels and Environmental Catalysis (LAFEC) to students and staff of the laboratory Catalyse, Polymeres, Procedes et Materiaux (CP2M), UMR 5128 CNRS­ UCBL-CPELyon

Day 2 : Meetings with the staff of the laboratory Catalyse, Polymeres, Procedes et Materiaux (CP2M), UMR 5128 CNRS­ UCBL-CPELyon

Day 3 : Meetings with the staff of the Engineering School CPE Lyon

Day 4 : Visit the research facilities and exchange of ideas/discussion related to the operation and organization of the laboratory Catalyse, Polymeres, Procedes et Materiaux (CP2M), UMR 5128 CNRS­ UCBL-CPELyon

Day 5 : Visit the research facilities and exchange of ideas/discussion related to the operation and organization of the Engineering School CPE Lyon

A notable highlight of my visit was the meeting with Professor Pascal Fongarland Deputy Director of the laboratory (Catalyse, Polymeres, Procedes et Materiaux (CP2M), UMR 5128 CNRSUCBL-CPELyon). Our discussions focused on the organizational structure and economic management capabilities of the Research Groups at CP2M, offering valuable insights into their approach to managing public and private projects.

Prof. Maria A. Goula

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