Θέσεις πρακτικής άσκησης στο SEK – International School Boarding House στη Μαδρίτη στους τομείς: Early Years Education, Primary Education, Science, Secondary English and Humanities

We have a new opportunity that has become available for a student looking for a work/training Placement for the next academic year to assist with the organizing of Activities in our International School Boarding House in Madrid.

We also have a few remaining placements available to assist in Early Years Education, Primary Education, Science, Secondary English and Humanities.

Interested Students still looking for a Placement, can send to anita.pineda@sek.es their CV and Skype details as soon as possible so they can get the Erasmus Agreements sorted in time for the deadline this month.

Is offered: accommodation, most meals and transfers to the accommodation from the airport on arrival and departure days. Also is provided ongoing training with regular termly evaluations and receive excellent feedback from our Placement Students and their Universities.


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